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Composting machine – Mahane Yehuda Market

Free your compost

An organic decomposition and recycling machine that has been specially adapted to markets that produce large quantities of organic waste, specifically designed to raise awareness of the recycling process. I have designed machine decomposes organic waste on site, converting the waste into compact compost, in a process that takes approximately one day to complete, and can be done on the exact site that the compost will be used to fertilize the plants. This machine is uniquely designed to streamline the process of transporting and collecting organic waste currently being generated, reducing the expenditure of money, man / women power and resources, which has traditionally made mass composting an expensive undertaking, The machine by design, is long and narrow, is a response to market needs, taking into account the process of decomposition of the waste and its byproduct. The machine gives a new perspective to the composting process, allowing for the use of the material derived from the organic waste, providing educational and environmental benefits as well.

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